Thursday, July 13, 2006

Liberals: Afraid Of Honest Debate

By: Shane

Liberals have shown their incredible skills of debate in response to Ann Coulter's latest best-selling book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism. Instead of addressing the issues raised in the book, they began their attack by pointing out one of the many frank comments that Coulter made; her reference to a group of liberal-activist 9/11 widows as "harpies." Although this statement made many people angry, it mostly only bothered those who didn't bother to read her book.

Liberals tried to use Coulter's refusal to adhere to the ridiculous laws of political correctness to shroud the points made in her book. In-fact, by attacking Coulter's criticism of the liberal-activist 9/11 widows, liberals have proved her point that the left hides behind widows, war heroes, mothers of fallen soldiers, and other victims whom they deem immune to criticism. Many people refuse to read Coulter's book, since the only hype the media has given it was to criticize Coulter as a brutal, rude demagogue attacking poor helpless widows (a move Coulter probably saw coming).

This tactic worked for a few weeks to distract from Coulter's damaging remarks on liberalism, but when the media firestorm over the "harpies" comment started to subside liberals panicked. They had to think of a new attack on Coulter, or people might start realizing what she was saying. And so now we have news stories with titles like "Company that syndicates Coulter probing plagiarism" and "Blind eye to Coulter plagiarism."

A sure bet that Coulter was proved innocent of the accusation is that the media has said nothing of it. Had Coulter been guilty we all know that the liberal media would be jumping all over her. No news from the liberal media is usually good news for conservatives.

Now, it doesn't take much thought to realize why liberals constantly attack conservatives rather than argue a point. It is much easier for liberals to say Coulter is mean than it is for them to defend, say, killing a partially born baby, just as it is easier for them to say You can't criticize her! Her son died in Iraq! than it is for them to defend leaving millions of recently liberated Iraqis at the mercy of foreign Islamic terrorists.

FDR said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Well, this is one point where liberals deviate from their favorite communist. Liberals have nothing to fear but honest political debate. Nothing would be more detrimental to Democratic power (come to think of it, do Democrats have any power left?) than if voters stopped and considered facts and listened to arguments instead of giving in to liberal demagoguery. Liberals tell the American people that George Bush is shipping jobs overseas and Conservatives want to take away your right to choose, when it is liberals' high taxes and harsh business regulations that send most jobs overseas, and liberals who refuse to let people decide what energy to use or which school to send their children to.

Liberals attack and attack conservatives because they are afraid to defend their beliefs. Try and find any diehard conservative who doesn't honestly believe that if someone just sat down and reviewed the facts, they would side with them on almost any issue. Now try and find a diehard liberal who will actually engage in open debate rather than throwing pies or calling their opponents "racists." You couldn't, because conservatives actually believe what they say, and liberals are either in it for power or out of sheer ignorance.

Life would be so easy if we were all liberals (that is, until the world ended and we all went to hell). It must be a complete shock to liberals that they have lost power in America. They have the easy job of defending political ideas such as let's feed the hungry and let's make the world a cleaner place. Meanwhile, conservatives are busy keeping the economy alive and keeping everyone in America from being blown up by Islamic terrorists.

When a liberal says something like, "Let's ban SUVs and stop global warming!" Conservatives respond with "Why? There is no proof that human emitted 'Green House Gasses' have any effect on the environment." To which liberals respond, "You must be beholden to the oil companies!" The fact that America doesn't fall for tactics like these is a complete mystery to liberals, who believe that Americans are a bunch of morons.

As long as liberals are liberals, and therefore "believe" in indefensible ideas, we will never get honest debate out of them. We will have to get used to their vicious personal attacks, their shameless demagoguery, and their ignorance to criticism. And frankly, we should be glad that the other end of the political spectrum underestimates Americans as morons, because as any conservative knows, Americans are not morons, and they won't fall for liberals' dirty tricks.

Shane is a writer for the conservative news blog His other articles can be found here.

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