Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Missing The Point In The Stem Cell Debate

By: Shane

There are many good arguments against embryonic stem cell research - from the fact that it has never yielded any promising results, to the fact that it turns human beings into commodities to be used for spare parts. However, liberals are missing the point. Conservatives' number one reason for opposing stem cell research is that it involves the destruction of human life.

You don't hear liberals arguing this point because there's really no way to argue it. What can they say? Are liberals really so far from natural law that they believe a judge has the right to decide at what point life begins? Putting thousands of years of religion and morality aside, isn't the obvious answer that life begins at conception? First liberals tried saying that life began at birth. When that wouldn't fly, they claimed that life begins when the embryo (AKA, "the unborn child") is "viable," or capable of survival outside of the womb.

But what moronic a point to pin the start of life at! For one thing, the age at which the unborn is "viable" is constantly getting smaller. Also, there have been children born at the point that they could have been aborted (AKA, "brutally murdered"). What makes liberals think that they have a right to decide at what age a child can be murdered? These are the same people who think that humans don't have a right to kill baby seals for their fur, but it's alright to kill and unborn child for one's convenience?

Embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos, which are unborn children, the result of sperm fertilizing an egg. In other words, the embryo is created by conception, the obvious point at which something goes from biological material to human life. Now, liberals have no problem killing an unformed fetus, because it is not cute. But then, when is the last time you saw a cute California Condor, and yet we're not allowed killing them.

The study of embryonic stem cells involves the development and destruction of embryos. Many liberals will say We have thousands of unused embryos as it is from abortions and "test tube babies"! (apparently forgetting that we conservatives also oppose abortion and "test tube babies"). However, this is an intentional misguidance on the behalf of liberals, because they know full well that if the study of embryonic stem cells were not only allowed but funded, scientists would desire many millions of embryos. They would begin marketing women for their unborn, telling them that "they could be part of the fight against disease!"

We've already seen it happen in California, where a scientist from South Korea attempted to open a clinic at which to harvest embryos to ship back to South Korea for scientific study. Conservatives would oppose embryonic stem cell research regardless, however, it is just foolish to say that there wouldn't be an increase in the destruction of life were embryonic stem cell research allowed in the US.

And why would conservatives oppose embryonic stem cell research, even if it didn't increase the number of embryos destroyed and even if it did show some medical promise? Because conservatives, unlike liberals, believe in right an wrong. It is wrong to destroy life, and therefore no good can come from it. Allowing embryonic stem cell research would be like saying, "abortion is alright, as long as the destroyed life is used to heal those humans who have already been born."

But this logic absolutely confuses liberals. They just can't grasp why someone would not want to destroy life if it means a better life for those of us who are born and alive. After all, it's not like fetuses can vote! Liberals' selfish hedonism leads them to use the "survival of the fittest" mentality that is supposedly programmed into their animal brains from millions of years of evolution. I'm going to kill that unborn baby so that I can live longer and have more fun before I die and cease to exist. I don't know what all this talk about Democrats being the "party of the little guy" is all about, considering they've killed and thrown out about a hundred million "little guys."

Liberals are missing the point on this issue. They're so busy with their "Bush doesn't want to heal diseases" demagoguery that they fail to even see the argument conservatives are making. Liberals can pull out all of the botched statistics and poorly researched graphs they want, but when it comes to debate, conservatives will still be saying the same thing: It is not alright to take a human life, especially that of an unborn infant and we will not treat people like a commodity to be sold for spare parts.

And so I say to liberals, if you want a debate on this issue, than at least try to grasp the point we're making. It doesn't matter if embryonic stem cell research were to cure every disease (it probably wouldn't cure any), the destruction of human life is never alright, even if it can get you more votes.

Shane is a writer for the conservative news blog His other articles can be found here.

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