Monday, July 17, 2006

President Threatens Veto Of Stem Cell Funding Bill

We'll have to keep an eye on this one. Forbes Reports:

The White House emphatically renewed President' Bush's threat to veto a bill heading toward Senate passage that would authorize federal funding for embryonic stem cell research , a practice Bush loathes.

"If (the bill) were presented to the president, he would veto the bill," read a fresh official statement of administration policy Monday, with the sentence underlined for emphasis.

"The bill would compel all American taxpayers to pay for research that relies on the intentional destruction of human embryos for the derivation of stem cells, overturning the president's policy that funds research without promoting such ongoing destruction," it said. Bush says the practice forces a choice between science and ethics.

This is interesting to me, because in his entire time in office, President Bush has never had to veto a bill. It is interesting to see if he will stand up to not only Democrats, but Republicans. The President needs to remind Republicans that we vote based on morals, not politics.

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