Friday, August 04, 2006

Why Haven't We Attacked Iran?

Reports The New York Sun:

Iran is racing to resupply Hezbollah across the Syrian border ahead of a possible cease-fire being ironed out this week at the United Nations. Meanwhile, Israeli jets have begun a new bombardment of Beirut's suburbs and Hezbollah is threatening to launch a missile attack on Tel Aviv.

Israeli military and intelligence officials here say Iranian technicians were aboard a flight to Damascus on Monday with the Iranian foreign minister , Manouchehr Mottaki.

The Israel Defense Forces also says it has not been able to seal the border between Syria and Lebanon, making it possible to ferry men, small rockets, and other materiel to Hezbollah through the back roads and smuggling routes in the Bekaa Valley.

What excuse do we have for not invading and destroying Iran? They are openly sponsoring terrorism, they defy the US and the World community, and they are working on building a nuclear arsenal (not to mention their horrible human right's record).

Maybe once Israel is done destroying Hezbollah they'll move on to Iran, in which case most of the non-free Arab countries will attack Israel, leaving the west little choice but to intervene.

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