Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fetuses Disposed of Like Garbage

This is vile:

Hospital admits to burning aborted babies in waste incinerator

One of the country's leading hospitals is throwing aborted babies into the same incinerator used for rubbish to save only £18.50 each time , it has emerged.

Addenbrooke's Hospital, in Cambridge, said it was no longer able to afford the dignified disposal at a local crematorium of foetuses from unwanted pregnancies .

Instead, they are being burnt in the hospital's main incinerator - which is normally used for rubbish and clinical waste.

The revelation sparked anger and distress among church leaders and pro-life groups, as well as women whose pregnancies were terminated at the hospital.

Abortion in general is a vile and disgusting practice - it's not enough that these babies are being murdered, now they don't even get a proper burial/cremation?

Something else from this article strikes me, "The revelation sparked anger and distress among ... women whose pregnancies were terminated at the hospital." Why do these women have there babies killed and then act like they have any right to be indignant about the way they're "disposed" of? If you think you have the right to "terminate" it than you must not think it's an actual life, right?

Lisa Wilson, of the ProLife Alliance, said: "What absolute horror. Has our society lost even a minimum concept of the humanity of the unborn child and the respect due to these tiny victims of our ruthless legislation?"

I couldn't put it any better than that.

One local woman, who asked not to be named, said after the heartache of deciding to have an abortion she was mortified to find the hospital had used the same furnace they burn rubbish in to incinerate her terminated baby.

She said: "I am furious and very hurt. Imagine my horror when I discovered that my baby was incinerated in the same furnace as the hospital rubbish."

You have no right to be furious. You should be repenting for the life you let those doctors take.

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