Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blog Crusaders

I'm adding a new banner to the side bar, this one:

It's about time that UITF identify ourselves as Crusaders doing our part to battle radical Islam. The Crusades were launched hundreds of years ago to gain back the Holy Land that the Mohammedans had stolen. The West may have stopped fighting the Crusades hundreds of years ago, but Muslims didn't. They have been at continuous war with the West since Mohammed first commanded them to cover the globe ruling all with Islam's iron fist of Sharia.

This blog is committed to fighting radical Islam and those who support it (whether they be the media or dictatorships like Iran and Saudi Arabia). If you want to identify your self as a blogger against radical Islam, a Blog Crusader, feel free to put the banner on your blog (and link it back to this mission statement). I think it's about time that we all made it clear that we won't stand for terrorism, and that we won't live as dhimmi, but that we'll fight radical Islam's evil ideology.

Here's the code, just past it on your site (replace the parenthisese() with carrots<>):

(a href="")(img src="" /)(/a)

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