Monday, November 06, 2006

Polls Lie, So Vote!

Just in case any of you have been scared by the liberals' polls, here are some good signs we're going to win tomorrow: the liberal media is starting to make excuses for when they inevitably lose, two stories in particular: " Saddam verdict may boost Bush's chances" and " Kerry need[s] to apologize quickly." So now the liberals' have their excuses. Bush planned the Saddam Verdict as an October surprise! The media overplayed Kerry's misspeak!

I'm actually growing tired of telling poor, scared conservatives this: don't listen to the polls! We all know the liberal media is biased and most polling firms are just an arm of the liberal media! We've been hearing this from pollsters since 2000! Gore will win, Kerry will win, Iraq will kill the GOP in the midterms! It's all crap!

What do they have to gain from these lies? Are they just trying to quell their own fears? No, they have everything to gain! The media wants you to see these polls and think that the GOP has no hope so that you won't vote! Why would people vote if they think they have no hope of winning? It's the same thing they did in 2000, calling Florida before polls closed in the conservative pan handle! It's the same thing they did in 2004, rigging the exit polls to show Kerry with an impossible lead!

The most important thing you can do tomorrow is vote!

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