Monday, December 04, 2006

John Bolton Will Step Down From UN Post

Looks like the libs are succeeding in their efforts to completely hamstring America's foreign relations capabilities,\; John Bolton has announce he will step down. Here's an interesting quote from the story:

Critics have questioned BoltonÂ’s brusque style and whether he could be an effective public servant who could help bring reform to the U.N.

That makes about as much sense as, well, as any argument liberals try to make... Bolton is tough on the UN and doesn't give them everything they want, and this means he wouldn't help the process of bringing accountability and sense back to the UN? If that's true than maybe the libs should give GW everything he wants, you know, to bring accountabilityy back to the Executive Branch...

If the one person willing to stand up to the UN is gone, how are we to expect they'll change? And when we replace Bolton with some sissy who pats the UN on the back while they rape children, ignore tyrants andcondemnn Israel, that will bring reform? Let's see how that goes...

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