Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jack Is Back!

There is nothing more dangerous than telling Jack he's going to die for nothing:

24 rocked, but that was to be susspected. And to all those libs who complain about 24 being "too right-wing;" this season focuses heavily on a government that "takes the constitution as a list of suggestions" and suspends rights, cracking down on people (Islamists) "because of their religion" in order to prevent terrorism.

And yet all of us close-minded, ignorant conservatives still loved it! Jack is back, and he's still a badass. He may be acting like a battered woman ("I don't know how to do this anymore...") but he'll get his stride back.

***Update, 11:54***

Incase you're wondering about 24's popularity in the blogging community: LGF open thread, Hot Air open thread, Stop The ACLU open thread, The Political Pit Bull open thread, Drudge: "IS FOX SET TO BLOW THE NUKES ON '24'?", and Townhall blogged it.

If you want a different take, Ace thinks Monk could kick Bauer's ass. While I'm a fan of Monk, I doubt this assertion. Also, I should mention my theory that crossing Jack is a huge mistake; watch your back, Ace, Jack doesn't take kindly to talk like that!

***Update, Jan. 15, 12:56 pm***

We've got the video of Jackula here.

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