Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NYT Editorial: "Who will hang George Bush?"

From Media Blog:

NYT Edits Out Op-Ed's Final Line: "Who Will Hang George W. Bush"

Michael Moynihan, a friend of mine who works at the Swedish think tank Timbro, sends along this item:

A story you might be interested in: The New York Times published an editorial a week or so ago by Slovenian Marxist Slavoj Zizek ostensibly on the Saddam execution. It was a typically muddled affair, pieced together from earlier Zizek screeds. But it seems that the Times (and the IHT, whose op-ed editor Serge Schmemann told me that he hadn’t seen the original) edited out Zizek’s final sentence, which was published unexpurgated in both Sweden (Aftonbladet) and Spain (El Pais). And what was the offending line? “Which is another reason to ask: Who will hang George Bush?”

You can find the El Pais version reprinted on a number of Spanish-language anti-war web sites. Just search Slavoj Zizek and "¿Quién ahorcará a George W. Bush?"

I like how the New York Times sees nothing wrong with publishing these nutty rants, so long as a generous dose of white-out is applied to anything that might tip off readers to their true nuttiness.

Congratulations, NYT, for only publishing news and opinions with "integrity."

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