Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Why the Left Loves Chavez

Hugo Chavez, ever the moderate and - consequently - darling to the left, was just sworn in for another six-year term as President in Venezuela. His plans for the new term?

One: Strip the private TV network (which is also in opposition to his totalitarian leadership) of their license, two: take over private companies owned by foreign investors and three: a must for any would-be (gonna-be) dictator, scrap presidential term limits. He will also take away the central banks autonomy.

Meanwhile, in things-you-say-that-will-get-you-murdered-or-put-in-a-gulag news:

"Chavez interprets the election result as giving him a blank check to develop a program that runs against the interests of Venezuela and only serves to benefit himself," Omar Barboza, a leading opposition official, told Reuters.

To read that rest of the story, filled with interesting facts about Chavez love of socialism, read it here.

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