Monday, March 12, 2007

Fred Thompson In The Race?

Sorry about the slow posting (or rather no posting) this weekend, I was busy having fun, enjoying the last of my spring break, which is sadly now over.

The only story I missed that I really care about is the possibility of Fred Thompson entering the Presidential race. He pretty much rocks, mostly conservative on everything that matters, with the occasional well intentioned slip-up.

Here's the video of where he stands on the issues (something you can't find for say, Mitt Romney), hat tip to Hot Air:

He was a Senator from Tennessee, replacing Gore and being reelected with Tennessee's largest landslide for a state-wide office, or something, and now acts (on Law and Order) as well as serving as a visiting fellow for the American Enterprise Institute, researching national security and intelligence (automatically giving him more national security experience than, say, Obama).