Sodom and Gomorrah Watch
From Drudge: "California High School Students Openly Smoke Medical Marijuana in Class."
The media's funny quip: "Some California teens are giving a new meaning to 'high' school." My funny quip: "Some California teens openly disrespect the law, media laughs it off." The story reports:
Students are finding easy access to medical marijuana cards and presenting those cards to school authorities as a legitimate excuse for getting high.These teens don't need medical marijuana, they're just abusing the system in a way every conservative said they would. Again, libs, either legalize it, or don't. Don't just pretend like you're trying to help the poor and downtrodden. You're pandering to the "legalize it" crowd, and look where that's gotten you. Anything for a few votes, huh?
But, where are the cards coming from?
This is a copy of the letter sent home to parents of students in the Grossmont Union High School District.
Seems there's a new excuse for getting caught high on campus these days:
"It's not a get out of jail free card at all."