Friday, September 22, 2006

Agreement Reached On 'Detainee Legislation'

Fox is reporting that an agreement has been reached on "detainee legislation." They report:

"This agreement preserves the most — single most potent tool we have in protecting America and foiling terrorist attacks, and that is the CIA program to question the world's most dangerous terrorists and to get their secrets," the president said from Orlando, Fla.       

"The measure also creates military commissions that will bring these ruthless killers to justice. In short, the agreement clears the way to do what the American people expect us to do: to capture terrorists, to detain terrorists, to question terrorists, and then to try them ," Bush added.

Sounds good to me. Sen. Frist seemed happy with the agreement as well:

"I'm pleased that we have agreement which meets three tests of our conference," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.

"Number one, it protects Americans by ensuring that our high-value CIA program will be preserved. Number two, it guarantees that classified sources and methods will not be disclosed to the terrorist detainees. And, third, it ensures that our military can begin to try terrorists in our custody," said Frist , R-Tenn.

You can't win them all, though. Even Sen. McCain was happy.

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