Friday, February 16, 2007

My Skin Would Be Red Too ...

Political correctness in Illinois:

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) -- The University of Illinois will drop its 81-year-old American Indian mascot, Chief Illiniwek, following the last men's basketball home game of the season on Wednesday, officials said.

The move makes the school eligible to host postseason NCAA championship events, but it angered many Illini fans who say the chief honors American Indians.

The NCAA in 2005 deemed Illiniwek -- portrayed by buckskin-clad students who dance at home football and basketball games and other athletic events -- an offensive use of American Indian imagery and barred the university from hosting postseason events.
Fine. Who the Hell would want an Indian mascot anymore anyway, since they've become a group of hyper-sensitive pansies. It's not like Chief Illiniwek was parading around drunk while raping white women, scalping white men and mating with buffalo. In other words, he was historically inaccurate in the Indians' favor.